So you took the plunge and bought one of the best selling bean to cup coffee machines available! A favourite among coffee lovers the world over.
Enjoying stunning home made coffees is just a moment away, but to get the most out of your new little gadget you need to ensure you are using it correctly.
Despair not though, the Delonghi Magnifica is simple to use and with just a few moments of learning you can be producing Barista quality drinks in no time.
Today I will reveal everything you need to know with regards to using your Magnifica bean to cup machine.
If you haven’t yet bought and are still not sure check out my Delonghi Magnifica Review.

Complete Guide To Using The Delonghi Magnifica
Super Automatic espresso machine!!! Sounds complicated right? Well some are and you need a degree to get them working, but not the Delonghi Magnifica.
So exactly How Do You Use a Delonghi Magnifica
The Initial Set Up
Its not just coffee machines, but all gadgets, if you don’t set them up correctly you can’t expect them to work properly.
I know, I know, you just want to get going, but trust me here, spend a few minutes getting it right now and you will save loads of time in the future.
And it couldn’t be easier, simply follow the below steps :-
- Plug the Delonghi Magnifica into a suitable plug socket, stay away from water and other significant heat sources. Also one which will allow to access your coffee machine as and when you need it
- Fill the water reservoir to the fill line. The use of tap water is ok as long your water hardness is not too bad, otherwise use a water filter. This may seem a little over the top but will mean less limescale buildup and you will need to de-scale less often.
- Fill the bean hopper. Use your favourite fresh whole coffee beans.
- Adjust the stainless steel grinder setting. For beginners I would suggest sticking with the middle setting and adjusting according to taste after a few uses. If you already know how you like your espresso brewed then set how you like. Only adjust the grinder settings when in use.

First Cleaning
Before you jump straight into making an espresso, its time to give the Magnifica a little rinse through to ensure you get the best possible coffee.
- Step one is to turn the machine by pressing the power switch.
- Place a jug or large cup under the steam wand to catch the water
- Turn the steam control all the way the right (counter clockwise), this will cause the system to flush water through.
- Stop the flush once you have about 250ml of water in the jug, to stop simply turn the control all the way to left.

Making Espresso With The DeLonghi Magnifica
So you are all set up and ready to go, told it wouldn’t take long, and believe me it will be worth it.
It doesn’t matter what you favourite coffee is, they all start with a humble espresso or two. Or maybe you simply enjoy a shot on its own.
Ideally the perfect espresso is made by starting with whole beans, and lets face it you bought a “bean-to-cup” machine, so you should really start with coffee beans.
However sometimes you only have pre-ground available.
Fortunately you can use both in the Magnifica and I have detailed both methods below.
For either method make sure your machine is turned on and warmed up. When you first push the power button the lights under the one and two cup option will be flashing green, this is warming up mode. When the lights go a steady green, you are ready to go.
Using Whole Coffee Beans
If you have followed the set-up guide above your hopper will already be full and ready to go.
Simply follow the below and you will be enjoying your first sip.
- Place your cup or cups (if making two under the dispenser)
- Set your desired coffee strength by turning the dial, weak to left and strong to right
- Set the quantity of coffee. You can choose anything between short and long by turning the length dial from the left to the right.
- Now all you need to do is push the button for either one or two shots of espresso. For a double shot, simply use one cup and push the two cup button.
Using Ground Coffee
Can I use ground coffee in my DeLonghi Magnifica? Yes you can simply follow the below steps.
- First step is to ensure you are in grounds mode by pressing the pre-ground coffee button.
- The take one scoop of coffee grounds and add to the bypass chute. Please ensure the machine is turned on first otherwise you risk clogging up the Magnifica.
- You can only make one cup, when using ground coffee. So only place one cup under the spout
- Push the on cup button
- If you require another cup simply repeat steps 2-4 above.
- Make sure to turn off grounds mode, by pushing the selector again.

How Do You Froth Milk With a DeLonghi Magnifica?
Fancy a delicious cappuccino? The Delonghi Magnifica has you covered as well, as you can use the built in milk frother to produce foam.
- Firstly fill the milk jug with your required amount of milk. Roughly 3.5onuce for a cappuccino and 6oz for a latte.
- Immerse milk frother in the milk, just below the surface. Do not immerse beyond the yellow warning line on the spout
- Open the steam control fully by turning counter clockwise (all the way to the right)
- To create more milk foam than steam, slowly lower the jug until you hear a “hissing” sound. For purely steamed milk (Flat whites) then keep the tip of the nozzle fully submerged.
- Turn off the steam control when you the desired amount of foam or the steam milk is at the correct temp.
- Brew espresso using the desired method above, remember to use a bigger mug than for just espresso.
To Make a Cappuccino
To make a cappuccino pour a small amount of of the steamed milk into the espresso, and then spoon the milk foam from the top of the jug onto the top of the espresso and steamed milk.
Top with sprinkled chocolate powder if desired.
To Make a Latte
A Latte is made using more steamed milk and no foam, so simply pour the 6oz oz into the mug with the espresso.
How Do You Froth Milk With a DeLonghi Magnifica?
Fancy a delicious cappuccino? The Delonghi Magnifica has you covered as well, as you can use the built in milk frother to produce foam.
- Firstly fill the milk jug with your required amount of milk. Roughly 3.5onuce for a cappuccino and 6oz for a latte.
- Immerse milk frother in the milk, just below the surface. Do not immerse beyond the yellow warning line on the spout
- Open the steam control fully by turning counter clockwise (all the way to the right)
- To create more milk foam than steam, slowly lower the jug until you hear a “hissing” sound. For purely steamed milk (Flat whites) then keep the tip of the nozzle fully submerged.
- Turn off the steam control when you the desired amount of foam or the steam milk is at the correct temp.
- Brew espresso using the desired method above, remember to use a bigger mug than for just espresso.
To Make a Cappuccino
To make a cappuccino pour a small amount of of the steamed milk into the espresso, and then spoon the milk foam from the top of the jug onto the top of the espresso and steamed milk.
Top with sprinkled chocolate powder if desired.
To Make a Latte
A Latte is made using more steamed milk and no foam, so simply pour the 6oz oz into the mug with the espresso.

Getting Hot Water
You may fancy an Americano or even just a cup of tea, and for that you will need to produce hot water. But why use a kettle when your coffee machine is right there.
- Ensure the machine is on and ready (green lights are steady green, not flashing)
- Turn the frother out away from the machine, so it is not over the drip tray
- Turn on hot water mode by pushing the little tap button, the light should come on
- Place an empty container under the spout
- Turn the knob half a turn to the right (you will feel it stop)
- Hot water will be produced
- Stop when you have the desired amount or after a maximum of 2 minutes
- Press the tap button again to turn of water mode.
In Summary
There you have it, how much simpler could it be to enjoy coffee shop quality beverages at home. For further details and instructions consult your user manual or if you have misplaced it, then you can view an online version here
Frequently Asked Questions
What Beans Are Best For The Delonghi Magnifica
This is a subjective question, the best beans for the Delonghi Magnifica are really the beans you prefer the best. Any whole bean will offer you a better coffee experience than pre-ground coffee. Never use caramelised beans.
How Do You Refill DeLonghi Magnifica water?
To refill the Delonghi Magnifica with water, you simply need to remove the tank and rinse clean. Then fill with fresh non hard water. Never fill above the max fill line, and always remember to place the frother in the centre position before removing the reservoir.
Where do you put coffee beans in Delonghi Magnifica?
The access to the hopper is located on the top of the machine. Simply lift the lid and fill with your favourite beans. Do not fill with ground coffee or Instant coffee.